rektoskopia czyli badanie jelita

Study description and preparation:

The doctor decides on the type of examination. He may refer the Patient for fiber sigmoidoscopy instead of colonoscopy in case of suspicion of diseases in the left half of the colon, e.g. It is also a good test as a control after operations within the left half of the large intestine.

Preparation for the examination is usually very similar to that of a colonoscopy. The condition is proper cleansing of the intestine, which will allow you to see the walls of the intestine from the inside. In a small percentage of people preparing for the examination, despite the implementation of all recommendations, the intestine is not completely cleansed and the whole procedure must be repeated. Before the examination, it is advisable, but not obligatory, to undergo vaccination against hepatitis B. Before the examination, all available medical documentation and current results of the following tests should be presented:

  • blood group (original result)
  • morphology
  •  coagulogram (PT/INR, APTT)

In addition to the above tests, in the case of general anesthesia, the following should be presented:

  • ionogram (K, Na)
  • ECG (please perform the ECG test the day before the test at the latest)

We kindly inform you that you can perform laboratory tests from Monday to Wednesday from 7:00-13:00, Thursday-Friday 7:00-12:00 and on Saturdays from 7:30-13:00 in MediSpace. The waiting time for the result in our laboratory is about 1 business day. Up to 2 months, the above studies are considered valid.

Oral iron preparations should be discontinued 7 days before the examination. 

For 5 days before the examination, you should limit yourself to a no-residue diet.

It is allowed to eat:

  • meat and fish
  • pasta, rice and white bread
  • puddings, jellies and jellies
  • water, coffee, tea and clear juices

You should completely refrain from taking meals containing:

  • Fresh fruit and vegetables (especially those containing small seeds, e.g. kiwi, strawberries, raspberries, tomatoes, which clog the working channels of the colonoscopy and may completely prevent the examination – refrain from eating them 7 days before the examination)
  • Bread with the addition of grains, poppy seeds and spices (except finely ground) – refrain from eating them 7 days before the test

The doctor decides on the type of preparation.

Sometimes it is acceptable to prepare the bowel with enemas or with oral preparations as for a colonoscopy. Preparation for the examination with ingots is usually better tolerated by patients and the possibility of such preparation is one of the advantages of fiber sigmoidoscopy, however, it does not always ensure optimal bowel cleansing.

Preparation with rectal enemas:

Ingots can be purchased at a pharmacy without a prescription. 3 ingots are needed to prepare the intestine. After starting the preparation, you should not eat, but you can drink clear liquids until the test. The ingots are made the day before the examination at 18:00 and 20:00 and on the day of the examination about 4 hours before its start. It is best to insert the enema through the anus in the position on the left side and stay in this position for at least 45 minutes. After this period, bowel movements usually occur. If solid stools occur after the morning instillation, another instillation should be performed approximately 2 hours before the examination. If the patient commute to the clinic in the morning from a distance, preparation with an oral preparation will be more advisable because the morning instillation will be impossible at an appropriate time before the test.

Chronic medications should be taken with a glass of water (250 ml) no later than 2 hours before the procedure. As previously agreed with your doctor, you should stop taking medications that affect the coagulation system (such as acetylsalicylic acid, clopidogrel, warfarin, acenocoumarol, dabigatran, rivaroxaban, etc.) in advance.

Diabetic patients should stop taking oral hypoglycaemic drugs or insulin during fasting (during the period without taking food, thick liquids, coffee and tea). Patients taking insulin in an insulin pump or using continuous glucose monitoring systems should discontinue insulin if blood glucose levels fall below 100 mg/dL.

Patients with renal insufficiency or heart failure should determine the individual method of preparation with the doctor, as it may differ in the above-mentioned conditions. cases.

In addition, you should refrain from smoking and chewing gum for 6 hours before the examination. The patient does not need to bring a change of clothes

If you decide to use anesthesia for the procedure, you will be asked to arrive 30 minutes earlier in order to complete the anesthesia questionnaire regarding the state of health (document available for download in the tab – download materials). A properly completed questionnaire will allow the anesthesiologist to assess the risk associated with anesthesia and adjust anesthesia to the current state of health. Anesthesia is designed to ensure comfort and will be adapted to the type of procedure and the individual needs of the patient and the doctor performing the procedure. If symptoms of upper respiratory tract infection or elevated temperature appear before the procedure, you should report this fact by phone to the clinic. This is a contraindication to anesthesia.

Please be advised that for safety reasons, after anaesthesia, you must not drive a motor vehicle for 24 hours and leave the clinic with an accompanying person.

The basic condition for performing scheduled fiber sigmoidoscopy under general anesthesia is to follow the recommendations related to the preparation of the intestine for the procedure and to stay on an empty stomach, i.e. do not take food and thick liquids, coffee and tea for at least 6 hours. Before the scheduled procedure, it is allowed to drink water so as not to feel thirsty up to 2 hours before the procedure. The last liquid (still water) can be taken 2 hours before the examination in an amount not larger than a glass (250 ml). Performing fiber sigmoidoscopy under anesthesia in a person with a full stomach may expose them to life-threatening complications related to aspiration and aspiration of gastric contents into the lungs.

IMPORTANT: If the patient has been referred for the procedure and is 55+ years old, has a BMI above 35 (kg/m²) or suffers from a serious comorbidities, he or she should consult with one of our specialists about the the possibility of surgery and anesthesia.

For inpatient anesthesiology consultation, please prepare:

  • medical records of the patient’s chronic diseases and medications taken,
  • basic laboratory test results from the last 2 months (CBC, sodium, potassium, creatinine, APTT, PT, INR);
  • blood group result;
  • ECG result from the last 2 months;
  • in case of concomitant thyroid diseases – TSH, FT3, FT4 results from the last 2 months;
  • for cardiac conditions such as ischemic heart disease, heart defects, cardiac arrhythmias – the result of ECHO-heart from the last 6 months and a certificate from the attending physician stating that the disease is in a stable state and does not require modification of treatment;
  • in the case of neurological diseases – a certificate from the attending physician with information that the disease is in a stable state and does not require modification of treatment;
  • in the case of taking anticoagulants (so-called “blood thinners”)
  • a certificate from the attending physician with recommendations for the patient regarding the possible discontinuation of these drugs or switching to low-molecular-weight heparins.

For teleconsultation, please send scans of the documents according to the above guidelines before the date of the anesthesiology consultation and deliver the originals on the day of anesthesia!

Please be advised that even a positive qualification by the anesthesiologist during the anesthesiology consultation is not a 100% guarantee that anesthesia will be performed on the day of the examination/procedure. The final decision to perform anesthesia is made by the anesthesiologist present on the day of the examination/procedure based on the patient’s current condition and compliance with the recommendations indicated at the consultation and general recommendations, especially regarding food consumption and post-anesthesia care.

ATTENTIONWe kindly inform you that the condition for reserving an appointment for endoscopic examination with or without general anesthesia is payment of the total prepayment within 24 hours of booking. In case of payment by bank transfer, please send confirmation to:

The fee is non-refundable unless the Patient cancels the examination no less than 48 hours before. The account number below to which payment should be made. Please include the Patient’s name in the title of the transfer.

mBank: 59 1140 2062 0000 5673 5500 1001

The condition for the examination is proper preparation (purification) of the intestine. The preparation recommendations should be followed very carefully, as any deviations may result in the test not being performed or its reliability being narrow. In a small percentage of people preparing for colonoscopy, despite all the recommendations, the intestine is not completely cleansed and the whole procedure has to be repeated. Vaccination against hepatitis B is advisable but not obligatory before the examination. All available medical records and current results of the following tests must be presented prior to the examination:

  • blood group (oryginal result)
  • morphology
  • coagulogram (PT/INR, APTT)

In addition to the above tests, for general anaesthesia, please provide:

  • ionogram (K, Na)
  • EKG (EKG please perform the EKG at least one day before the examination)
We kindly inform you that laboratory tests can be performed Monday through Friday from 7:00-12:00 and on Saturdays from 8:00-12:00 in MediSpace. The waiting time for the result in our laboratory is approximately 1 business day. Up to 2 months the above tests are considered current.
We would like to kindly inform you that statistically up to 30% of studies conducted WITHOUT GENERAL ANESTHESIA may fail due to discomfort and pain on the part of the patient. Unf ortunately, due to the wear and tear of equipment and staff time, you must pay the same payment as for carrying out a normal examination. Please make an informed consent.

Preparation of the patient for colonoscopy:

  1. FIVE DAYS BEFORE THE EXAMINATION: Fruit and vegetables rich in pits, seeds and bread with grain are to be excluded from the menu.
  2. TWO DAYS BEFORE THE EXAMINATION: Switch to a diet without food residues. Vegetables (e.g. tomatoes), especially seeds-rich fruits (e.g. grapes, kiwi, strawberries, raspberries, pomegranate), spices (e. g. poppy seeds), milk, fatty foods, groats, puree juices, vegetable soups, dark bread and grain. Meats and fish (especially cooked, stewed, grilled), pasta, white bread, rice, weak coffee, weak tea, clear juices, clear juices, clear jellies and kissel (without fruit), clear broths are allowed.
  3. 1 DAY BEFORE THE EXAMINATION: At 8:00 am, you can have a light breakfast (e.g. white roll with boiled egg or white roll with cottage cheese). From now on, drink transparent, light liquids in large quantities: water, weak tea, clear juice, clear, transparent broth and do not eat until the examination.

Proceeding according to points 1 – 3 will allow you to prepare your intestine thoroughly for the examination. The better the preparation, the better the chances of detecting small changes such as polyps, diverticula or early neoplastic changes.

Citrafleet is 2 sachets of the drug. Each sachet is to be dissolved in 150 milliliters of water. The contents of the sachet should be thoroughly mixed with water (mix for 2-3 minutes). If the solution heats up during mixing, wait until the temperature is reduced. Drink the prepared drug directly after preparation. Wait 15-30 minutes after each dose and then drink 2 litres of water or other clear liquids.

CAUTION: Drinking 2 litres of liquid after each dose is NECESSARY.



taking the dose – stop drinking water

Start drinking       stop drinking



06:00 pm

plus an obligatory 2 liters of water


plus an obligatory 2 liters of water

08:00 am

09:00 pm

plus an obligatory 2 liters of water


plus an obligatory 2 liters of water

09:00 am

10:00 pm

plus an obligatory 2 liters of water


plus an obligatory 2 liters of water

10:00 am

11:00 pm

plus an obligatory 2 liters of water


plus an obligatory 2 liters of water

11:00 am

11:00 pm

plus an obligatory 2 liters of water


plus an obligatory 2 liters of water

12:00 am

11:00 pm

plus an obligatory 2 liters of water


plus an obligatory 2 liters of water

01:00 pm

11:00 pm

plus an obligatory 2 liters of water


plus an obligatory 2 liters of water

02:00 pm

05:00 am

plus an obligatory 2 liters of water


plus an obligatory 2 liters of water

03:00 pm

06:00 am

plus an obligatory 2 liters of water


plus an obligatory 2 liters of water

04:00 pm

07:00 am

plus an obligatory 2 liters of water


plus an obligatory 2 liters of water

05:00 pm


The basic condition for the planned colonoscopy is to follow the recommendations related to the preparation of the intestine for the examination and remain fasting, i.e. not to take food and dense liquids, coffee and tea for at least 20 hours. Before the planned colonoscopy procedure it is allowed to drink water in order not to feel thirsty up to 2 hours before the procedure. The last liquid (still water) can be taken 2 hours before the treatment in the amount not greater than a glass (250 ml).

Performing a colonoscopy under anaesthesia in a person with a full stomach may expose him/her to life-threatening complications associated with absorption and aspiration of gastric contents into the lungs.

Medication taken chronically should be taken with a glass of water (250 ml) no later than 2 hours before the procedure. As previously agreed with your doctor, you should stop taking any medications affecting the clotting system (such as acetylsalicylic acid, clopidogrel, warfarin, acenocumarol, dabigatran, rivaroxaban, etc.) beforehand. No medications or iron-containing nutrients may be taken 7 days prior to the study.

Diabetic patients should stop taking oral hypoglycemic drugs or insulin while on fasting (during the period without food, dense liquids, coffee and tea). For patients taking insulin on an insulin pump or using continuous glucose monitoring systems, insulin should be discontinued if blood glucose drops below 100 mg/dL.

Patients with kidney failure or heart failure should discuss their individual preparation with their doctor, as this may vary from case to case. In addition, you should refrain from smoking and chewing gum for 6 hours before the examination. The patient doesn’t have to take a change of clothes.

If it’s decided for you to have anaesthesia for the procedure, you will be asked to come 30 minutes in advance to fill in an anaesthetic questionnaire about your health (available for download in the tab – downloadable materials). A correctly completed questionnaire will allow the anaesthesiologist to assess the risks associated with anaesthesia and to adjust anaesthesia to the current state of health. Anaesthesia is designed to provide comfort and will be adjusted to the type of procedure and individual needs of the patient and the doctor performing the procedure. If you experience symptoms of upper respiratory tract infection or an increased body temperature before the procedure, you should report this fact by phone to the clinic. This is a contraindication to anesthesia.

Please be advised that for safety reasons, after anaesthesia you must not drive a motor vehicle until 24 hours after the examination and you must leave the clinic with a companion.


IMPORTANT: If the patient has been referred for the procedure and is 55+ years old, has a BMI above 35 (kg/m²) or suffers from a serious comorbidities, he or she should consult with one of our specialists about the the possibility of surgery and anesthesia.

For inpatient anesthesiology consultation, please prepare:

  • medical records of the patient’s chronic diseases and medications taken,
  • basic laboratory test results from the last 2 months (CBC, sodium, potassium, creatinine, APTT, PT, INR);
  • blood group result;
  • ECG result from the last 2 months;
  • in case of concomitant thyroid diseases – TSH, FT3, FT4 results from the last 2 months;
  • for cardiac conditions such as ischemic heart disease, heart defects, cardiac arrhythmias – the result of ECHO-heart from the last 6 months and a certificate from the attending physician stating that the disease is in a stable state and does not require modification of treatment;
  • in the case of neurological diseases – a certificate from the attending physician with information that the disease is in a stable state and does not require modification of treatment;
  • in the case of taking anticoagulants (so-called “blood thinners”)
  • a certificate from the attending physician with recommendations for the patient regarding the possible discontinuation of these drugs or switching to low-molecular-weight heparins

For teleconsultation, please send scans of the documents according to the above guidelines before the date of the anesthesiology consultation and deliver the originals on the day of anesthesia!

Please be advised that even a positive qualification by the anesthesiologist during the anesthesiology consultation is not a 100% guarantee that anesthesia will be performed on the day of the examination/procedure. The final decision to perform anesthesia is made by the anesthesiologist present on the day of the examination/procedure based on the patient’s current condition and compliance with the recommendations indicated at the consultation and general recommendations, especially regarding food consumption and post-anesthesia care.

ATTENTIONWe kindly inform you that the condition for reserving an appointment for endoscopic examination with or without general anesthesia is payment of the total prepayment within 24 hours of booking. In case of payment by bank transfer, please send confirmation to:

The fee is non-refundable unless the Patient cancels the examination no less than 48 hours before. The account number below to which payment should be made. Please include the Patient’s name in the title of the transfer.

mBank: 59 1140 2062 0000 5673 5500 1001

The condition for the examination is proper preparation (purification) of the intestine. The preparation recommendations should be followed very carefully, as any deviations may result in the test not being performed or its reliability being narrow. In a small percentage of people preparing for colonoscopy, despite all the recommendations, the intestine is not completely cleansed and the whole procedure has to be repeated. Vaccination against hepatitis B is advisable but not obligatory before the examination. All available medical records and current results of the following tests must be presented prior to the examination:

  • blood group (oryginal result)
  • morphology
  • coagulogram (PT/INR, APTT)

In addition to the above tests, for general anaesthesia, please provide:

  • ionogram (K, Na)
  • EKG (EKG please perform the EKG at least one day before the examination)
We kindly inform you that laboratory tests can be performed Monday through Friday from 7:00-12:00 and on Saturdays from 8:00-12:00 in MediSpace. The waiting time for the result in our laboratory is approximately 1 business day. Up to 2 months the above tests are considered current.


We would like to kindly inform you that statistically up to 30% of studies conducted WITHOUT GENERAL ANESTHESIA may fail due to discomfort and pain on the part of the patient. Unf ortunately, due to the wear and tear of equipment and staff time, you must pay the same payment as for carrying out a normal examination. Please make an informed consent.

Patients who take anticoagulants such as acenocumarol (e. g. Sintrom), clopidogrel (e. g. Plavix), warfarin (e. g. Warfin), rivaroxaban (Xarelto), etc. should replace the drug with low molecular weight heparin (e. g. Clexane) at an appropriate time determined by the doctor before the examination. At least 8 days before the examination, the type, dosage and the appropriate moment of treatment change should be agreed with the physician in charge of the examination.

Diabetic patients should inform the colonoscopy laboratory before the examination in order to set the date of the examination in the morning. Oral iron preparations should be discontinued at least 7 days before the examination. 5 days before the examination, you should limit yourself to a non-residuous diet.  

Permitted are:

  • meat and fish
  • pasta, rice and white bread
  • pudding, kissel and jelly
  • water, coffee, tea and clear juices

You should refrain from accepting meals that contain any food at all:  

  • Fresh fruit and vegetables (especially those containing small seeds, e. g. kiwi, strawberries, raspberries, tomatoes, which clog the colonoscope’s working canals and may make it completely impossible to perform the test)
  • Breads with added grains, poppy seeds and spices (except finely ground)

If the test is scheduled for 4:00 pm or earlier:

About 20 hours before the planned examination you should completely stop taking food and start preparing the intestine with Fortrans prepatate (preparation sold in pharmacies on the basis of a prescription). The packaging of Fortrans contains four sachets, each of which should be dissolved in 1 litre of still water. The entire volume (4 litres of finished solution) should be drunk within approximately 4-6 hours.

If the test is scheduled after 4:00 pm:

On the day before the examination, at about 10:00 pm, completely stop eating. The packaging of Fortrans contains four sachets, each of which should be dissolved in 1 litre of still water. Start taking fortrans at 10:00 pm. Drink half of the solution (2 litres) by 12:00 pm to 1:00 am. Drink the rest of Fortrans (the remaining 2 litres) from 5:00 am to 7:00-8:00 am on the day of the test.

The finished solution of Fortrans can be cooled and seasoned with clear (seedless) lemon juice or other non-staining fruit juice to improve taste. As a result of taking the solution of Fortrans preparation, there are numerous bowel movements, in the final stage of preparation, with a clear liquid. For persons with constipation and bowel movement difficulties or persons with BMI above 30 or total weight above 100 kg, it is recommended to drink an additional litre of still water after drinking Fortrans.

The basic condition for the planned colonoscopy is to follow the recommendations related to the preparation of the intestine for the examination and remain fasting, i.e. not to take food and dense liquids, coffee and tea for at least 20 hours. Before the planned colonoscopy procedure it is allowed to drink water in order not to feel thirsty up to 2 hours before the procedure. The last liquid (still water) can be taken 2 hours before the treatment in the amount not greater than a glass (250 ml). Performing a colonoscopy under anaesthesia in a person with a full stomach may expose him/her to life-threatening complications associated with absorption and aspiration of gastric contents into the lungs.

Medication taken chronically should be taken with a glass of water (250 ml) no later than 2 hours before the procedure. As previously agreed with your doctor, you should stop taking any medications affecting the clotting system (such as acetylsalicylic acid, clopidogrel, warfarin, acenocumarol, dabigatran, rivaroxaban, etc. ) beforehand.  Diabetic patients should stop taking oral hypoglycemic drugs or insulin while on fasting (during the period without food, dense liquids, coffee and tea). For patients taking insulin on an insulin pump or using continuous glucose monitoring systems, insulin should be discontinued if blood glucose drops below 100 mg/dL.  Patients with kidney failure or heart failure should discuss their individual preparation with their doctor, as this may vary from case to case.

In addition, you should refrain from smoking and chewing gum for 6 hours before the examination. The patient doesn’t have to take a change of clothes.

If it’s decided for you to have anaesthesia for the procedure, you will be asked to come 30 minutes in advance to fill in an anaesthetic questionnaire about your health (available for download in the tab – downloadable materials). A correctly completed questionnaire will allow the anaesthesiologist to assess the risks associated with anaesthesia and to adjust anaesthesia to the current state of health. Anaesthesia is designed to provide comfort and will be adjusted to the type of procedure and individual needs of the patient and the doctor performing the procedure. If you experience symptoms of upper respiratory tract infection or an increased body temperature before the procedure, you should report this fact by phone to the clinic. This is a contraindication to anesthesia.

Please be advised that for safety reasons, after anaesthesia you must not drive a motor vehicle until 24 hours after the examination and you must leave the clinic with a companion.


IMPORTANT: If the patient has been referred for the procedure and is 55+ years old, has a BMI above 35 (kg/m²) or suffers from a serious comorbidities, he or she should consult with one of our specialists about the the possibility of surgery and anesthesia.

For inpatient anesthesiology consultation, please prepare:

  • medical records of the patient’s chronic diseases and medications taken,
  • basic laboratory test results from the last 2 months (CBC, sodium, potassium, creatinine, APTT, PT, INR);
  • blood group result;
  • ECG result from the last 2 months;
  • in case of concomitant thyroid diseases – TSH, FT3, FT4 results from the last 2 months;
  • for cardiac conditions such as ischemic heart disease, heart defects, cardiac arrhythmias – the result of ECHO-heart from the last 6 months and a certificate from the attending physician stating that the disease is in a stable state and does not require modification of treatment;
  • in the case of neurological diseases – a certificate from the attending physician with information that the disease is in a stable state and does not require modification of treatment;
  • in the case of taking anticoagulants (so-called “blood thinners”)
  • a certificate from the attending physician with recommendations for the patient regarding the possible discontinuation of these drugs or switching to low-molecular-weight heparins.

For teleconsultation, please send scans of the documents according to the above guidelines before the date of the anesthesiology consultation and deliver the originals on the day of anesthesia!

Please be advised that even a positive qualification by the anesthesiologist during the anesthesiology consultation is not a 100% guarantee that anesthesia will be performed on the day of the examination/procedure. The final decision to perform anesthesia is made by the anesthesiologist present on the day of the examination/procedure based on the patient’s current condition and compliance with the recommendations indicated at the consultation and general recommendations, especially regarding food consumption and post-anesthesia care.

ATTENTIONWe kindly inform you that the condition for reserving an appointment for endoscopic examination with or without general anesthesia is payment of the total prepayment within 24 hours of booking. In case of payment by bank transfer, please send confirmation to:

The fee is non-refundable unless the Patient cancels the examination no less than 48 hours before. The account number below to which payment should be made. Please include the Patient’s name in the title of the transfer.

mBank: 59 1140 2062 0000 5673 5500 1001