Wojciech Molenda

What do I treat?

urological diseases
prostatic hyperplasia
urinary incontinence
short frenulum
hydrocele testis
inflammation of the prostate
prostate cancer
benign enlargement of the prostate
erectile dysfunction
urinary tract infection
urethra polyps


SERVICES: Urological consultation

LANGUAGES: Polish, English

ACHIEVEMENTS: Specialist in urology, surgeon, graduate of the Faculty of Medicine of the Medical University of Warsaw (1982).
Professional experience:
– Urological Clinic ul. Chełmska 13/17 -1983- until now
– Department and Clinic of Urology of the Praski Hospital in Warsaw 2012-2016
– General Surgery Department of the Surgical Trauma Hospital 2001-2012
– Urology Department of the Surgical and Trauma Hospital ul. Barska
– Department of Urology of Wolski Hospital in Warsaw 1983-1992
– Certificate Known Doctor – Winner in 2015
Participation in numerous congresses and urological trainings in Poland and abroad continuously since 1983.